dnsdist: implement own rate-limiting function - Part 2

In previous post, I explained how I wrote a rate limiter for dnsdist using fixed window algorithm and redis. In this post, I will show how I write a rate limiter without Redis, this method give me a higher performance.
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Squid: outgoing with random IP & static IP using request header

Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. I’m using Squid as a forward proxy for my crawler system. On my proxy server, I have a lot of IP addresses and I want all of requests going to outside will choose an IP address randomize, only requests to Facebook will use a static IP.
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dnsdist: implement own rate-limiting function - Part 1

dnsdist is a highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer. Its goal in life is to route traffic to the best server, delivering top performance to legitimate users while shunting or blocking abusive traffic. dnsdist has supported a basic rate-limiting but it wasn’t fit to my case, and I wrote a custom Lua code to implement own rate-limiting function.
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Elasticsearch: Migrate indexes from old cluster

You might have switched to new ES cluster for any number of reasons and you’re likely wondering how to get your existing Elasticsearch data into your new infrastructure.
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Gitlab: Unblock an user blocked with state ldap_blocked

When an user blocked with state ldap_blocked, we can’t unblock it from admin panel. How to fix it?
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MySQL: Fix ‘Error 1461: Can’t create more than max_prepared_stmt_count’

Clients got error Error 1461: Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count... when try request to MySQL to create a prepare statement. How to find root cause and fix it.
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Splunk: Query regex

Sometime we need using regex to search in Splunk. In our example, find a query insert/update into a table in MySQL
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